I have a load of idea in my head, I'd be a shit animator if I didn't. Over the past few months I have thought about projects I want to do later, perhaps in the new year, maybe do it in my final year of uni, who knows. I thought i'd share with you a few idea's I have worked on or plan to make in the near future.
The Uni-verse of Jack Miles:
This was a idea I thought about during the Summer of 2012, it all started with a doodle of a few characters which became the first concept art for a series I plan to make eventually called The Uni-verse of Jack Miles.

The drawing consisted of 5 people, one who represented me, then another who represented another friend from university, after that I came up with an idea for a comic, so I drew a bunch of random characters and suddenly it was finished, I then gave each of them names and a personality. I tried to make each character completely different, to represent how first year at uni is like when you first move into your accommodation and you're living with people who you would normally never even think to associate with, the characters are:
- Jack Miles; A geek
- Cameron Wray; A stoner
- Kim Pickering; A book worm
- James Keen; A party animal
- Letty Pine; A nymphomaniac
The story would revolve around all these characters, though I was unsure to make a very long story or a series of stories about their uni life. The long story was going to be a romantic comedy based around Jack Miles and Kim Pickering, after sleeping together during a drunken house party, however I was fairly unsure about where to lead on after that, so far the plot for the entire story is undecided, however I have thought out the pilot episode through and started a script for it.
At first, the idea was going to be a comic, then after creating the comic using the stripes to create an animatic then to animate it, I still may go for that idea depending on how good my Flash skills before I ready the production of the series. The series isn't original by any means, but I think it would appeal to a lot of people out there, here is some concept art I created for it before moving back up to uni:
Untitled Idea:
Only a few weeks ago did I come up with this idea, it still needs alot of thought put into it but so far I am really excited for it. Completely different from The Uni-verse of Jack Miles, this one is a serious dramatic animation, based in a post apocalyptic icy future. Here is a very basic rundown of the pilot episode:
The world is covered in snow and the human race has been resorted to living in huge glass domes. While the 80% of the worlds population is in these domes, the other 20% is at war, aliens have invaded earth and are destroying everything in their paths, these aren't your average sized aliens, they are huge aliens. In this world, you either live in domes, protected from the aliens but wait for food to run scarce, or join the army. However you have to be 18 to join, that's where our main protagonist and the story starts.
The entire story revolves around an unnamed boy, 16 years of age wanting to join the army and get out of the dome, eager to leave he has his mind set on one thing, finding a girl who he loves in the army. After she left for battle 8 months ago, he has been impatiently waiting, worried he decides to take action into his own hands and asks his good friend to help him sneak aboard a transportation vehicle so he can search for her himself. His friend is just about to leave for battle when he begs him to sneak him in the vehicle, the friend gives in, and hides the boy in a metal barrel. Just as they leave the dome, not even a minute into leaving they are attacked by a huge alien, the boy in the barrel has no idea what is happening and passes out in the barrel. When he awakens, he see finds a massacre of bodies, remnants of weaponry and vehicles and other rubble.
Little does the boy know, once you are out of the dome, there is no coming back. The dome is sealed on the inside, the boy looks over the snowy waste land, and decides to find the military base himself, a journey across the ice and snow begins.
I want the show to be similar to shows such as the Walking Dead, purely on the fact that its a zombie show, not entirely about zombies. I want this to be about aliens, but rarely do we ever see these aliens, we just acknowledge their presence and the destruction they are doing to the world. I want to open the pilot with a few commercials, advertising 3 things; The dome, the army, cooking pets book. Instead of having some voice over explain the plot I want these adverts to pretty much explain the situation on earth as it is, the adverts are similar to the adverts at
the beginning of Metal Gear Solid 4 where they use them to explain what the world is like int he game. The world outside the dome is a world similar to
the video game Fallout 3, a game that is set in 2077 in a retro-future, and takes place after a nuclear war. The world in Fallout 3 is incredibly well made and shows what the world would look like after a nuclear war, though my world wouldn't need as much destruction as most of the snow would cover it up.
I want the aliens to be huge, the size of skyscrapers. I want them to be an actual threat and hard to fight, I want them to be similar to the giants in
Shadow of the colossus, I dunno how I should have them appear yet or much more detail than their size.