Saturday, 18 May 2013

[Drawing Lesson] 02/05/13 to 16/05/13 - The Mural

On the 2nd of May we started on the mural, Tom unravelled the large paper and each team chose their spot to draw. There were two sets of groups, one to draw the female model while the other one drew on the mural. I had enough life drawing to just carry on with the mural, so me and Ant (Aaron came later) began to draw our people in pencil. This is mainly where we planned out what we were going to do next week, once we pencilled everything out we finished up for the day.

The following week we began to ink the pencil, Aaron pencilled in his drawings and me and Ant inked in our drawings. some of the drawings I inked turned out better than others I inked, but over all they turned out really nice;

Here is mine, Ants and Aarons area mid-way through being inked;

Once we finished inking our drawings, the lesson had ended and only a few of us had stayed. We began working on the backgrounds and touching up on peoples drawings, adding faces, blood and weapons ready for inking the following week. I began working on a few backgrounds around the top along with a few others and soon enough the entire mural was inked, we just had to wait for the following week to add chalk to it.

A week had passed and it was time to chalk up the inked mural, we began by spreading chalk scrapings across the paper. We then spread the chalk into the drawing with our hands until the entire drawing was covered black;

Once the entire Mural was covered black we grabbed erasers and started to add shading to the drawings, I began doing the areas I had done, starting with my 5 people. Afterwards I began shading in the backgrounds I had done, once they were complete I started shading anywhere that needed it until the entire thing was shaded, here are the areas fully shaded and drawn by me;

Here are some of the backgrounds i did;

Soon it was fully shaded and completed, it turned out really well in my opinion, we all worked together as a team to create this which brought us all closer together. Some areas turned out better than others shading wise, there were some perspective problems... or rather alot. But that aside, on my part, I am happy with it, I worked together with Ant and Aaron so our 5 drawings could entwine and I think they turned out really well. Something I noticed while doing this is that Shading is not my strongest point, and will try and improve over the holidays, along with everything else! But overall, I am very happy with how it turned out!

[Drawing] The 5 mural drawings

We were told to work in groups and create a section of the mural; me, Anthony and Aaron decided to work together and create a section of the mural. We needed to draw 5 figures to put on the mural each, and all have them reacting to one and other, so when I got home I began working on mine;

^Not very neatly laid out, thanks blogger!

These were the drawings I chose, now I just had to wait for Ant and Aaron to finish theirs, when they came back to me they had all finished, we all uploaded them to each other and we decided to do a practise layout for the characters. Anthony in the end came back with this; 

 We all agreed that this would work, now all we had to do was wait and do the real thing.

--------- EXTRA ---------

Half way through doing this post, someone asked me to do them a drawing, so I thought i'd share the drawing; a Gorilla duel wielding two sawn-off shotguns:

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

[Drawing Lesson] 25/04/13 - Pre-pairing for the Mural

Today we were doing last minute drawings to prepare for the drawing mural, since we didn't have Steve we had a female model to draw. We mainly did dying, crouching and sitting poses, however there was a few action poses as well. This time around I didn't focus on the face, but rather the body shape. I am really trying to hone my female body drawing techniques, since they were terrible before hand. There are a few I really like here, the main thing I have to remember is the hips and upper body on a female, if I get them right then it'll look like a woman, and not an Amazonian warrior.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

[Project: Cleaning] Completed!

The animation has now been completed! I am really happy with the outcome as while animating I was having second thoughts about the animation, I am pleased that I could finally complete it even after the disaster which made me lose my laptop. After completing the animation I threw the file into After Effects and sorted certain scenes out, below are the comparison;

Scene 1: Opening

Scene 4: Kims Skit

Scene 13: Ending Scene

It took me a night to finish up the After Effects, the only other thing I needed to do was to sort the audio out. I asked my good friend Dan, a sound designer at Leeds uni to help me out with the sound and he took it upon himself to sort all the music, SFX and foley. I sat with Dan for 4 nights as we imported the voice clips and music, hunted for SFX and foley and sorted the levels out for a mastered audio. 

After Dan handed me the finished animation with the mastered sound, the animation was fully completed and was ready to hand in. I am overly happy with the entire animation, I showed it to the people I lived with and they loved it, and Dan showed it to the people on his course and they thought it was brilliant. I am waiting for the screening in a week to show the animation to my course mates, though they have laready told me they can't wait to see it, I hope it meets their expectations!

[Drawing Lesson] 18/04/13 - The Last Steve Lesson

We are now starting to gather poses for the Mural we are going to put together, Steve modelled in various battle poses; holding things, being defeated and crouching. I wanted to mainly focus on hands, feet and faces, since they are my weak point. 

I think I now have feet down. feet are becoming a strong point now as I am slowly learning anatomy of the foot better, whereas hands are still a weakness. I have been practising with cartoon hands as you may have noticed in a previous post, however I still either make them too big, or too small. Either than or just make the fingers too big for the hand.

The head shape is improving little by little, however the face itself still needs work, I am either giving them too bigger features making them look cartoony, or they just look incredibly unrealistic.

I do feel like I am improving my drawing style, I am starting to see improvement in my own work thanks to them, as well as my cartoon drawing style.

[Drawing Lesson] 11/04/13 - More Female Model

During today's lesson we were to draw our female model in crouched and sitting positions, as you can see at the top of the paper there is a sequence of drawings, each of these are relatively the same size, and I feel tells a sort of story on how she moves. Below that were 10 minute drawings of the model, I feel like I am getting the female body down now, the only thing I need to work on is the feet and hands. The far right drawing is alot more cartoony than the other drawings, mainly because of the size of the head in my opinion.

After we had alot longer to draw the model, so I went in to detail on the face, feet and hands. I struggled alot with the hands and feet however I am slowly understanding how they look, I am mainly getting the feet down, however the hands are still a major problem, the fingers are incredibly difficult to draw in my opinion, I will continue practising and hopefully improve over time.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

[Personal] Doodles and Drawings

Over the past month or so, I have been trying to hone my drawing style and practise drawing most nights. In a previous post I stated that I have trouble with hands, so they've been a slight focus, along with body shapes, especially female body shapes. So with alot of inspiration from various sources I have produced a few doodles in my sketch book;

[Personal] During my absence of updates

It's been about 2 weeks since I have updated the blog, due to the fact that my laptop broke as you can read in a previous post, having to finish my animation, doing an Essay and a Dissertation proposal. However, I am back and I can list off the things that I have now completed;

  • Essay
  • Dissertation Proposal
  • Animation
  • Edited Animation

I have done pretty much everything now apart from the Drawing assignment which I will be working on Thursday and finalizing the Armouries project (The project that I haven't updated on here for a while). I'll go into more detail in future blog posts about each thing that I have been working on and completed in my absence. On another note, I have been doing ALOT of sketches lately, and I will be uploading them in their own posts too, look forward to everything, have a taste of what I have been doing;