Monday, 11 November 2013

Final Animation Idea - Robot Animation

This idea appealed to me out of all the other unused animation ideas, this one was created when I tried to draw the little girl in the Golem animation and ended up giving her a Saw for an arm after realising I needed something original. The story was going to be a love story between two robots, one robot that was abandoned after she became self-aware and "human like", she became lonely and with her limited knowledge on robot making, created a friend. When she created this junk robot, she fell in love and took it on dates and the like. This was the girl robots design:

I didn't write a script because I didn't know how I would work with it, I only knew the beginning, the middle and the end was something I couldn't think of. I created a huge backstory in my head and couldn't think of a way to get it through in the animation, because of this the story started getting longer and longer to the point where if I took anything out it would ruin everything. 

I did however create a background in Flash of what I wanted the animation to look like:

I liked the idea of the future, and because of this I was going to tweak the idea slightly. However I then decided the change the idea again to be set in a Retro future using the same characters in a different scenario. This would later be devolved into my final idea; SPACE GIRL 3000.

Final Animation Idea - Golem Animation

As stated in the previous post, I wanted to do something that was beautiful, but short. So I decided to stick to the same Fantasy setting and focus on a little girl finding a Golem. This idea was very under-developed before I changed so this wont be as long. The story is similar to that of the Iron Giant, a girl spots a meteor fall from the sky, she goes to it and it's a giant Golem, she takes it back to her village and adventure happens. 

I scraped the idea quickly when I realised the idea was very similar to my course mate Gary's idea, in which the story revolves around a giant and a girl. Because of this I decided to scrap this idea before I developed it more and focus on something completely different and original.

Here is the only piece of concept art I created:

Final Animation Idea - Adventure Faeries

One of the most developed out of all my unused ideas is Adventure Faeries, an animation about 2 faeries who set off on a quest to reclaim a treasure for the shop they work in. I spent almost all the summer working on preproduction for this idea, however most of the story was in my head, and I couldn't write the script. I did however start on the beginning scene of the animation, aswell as a few animation test and concept art:

As you can see I did put alot of effort into this scene, though it was originally going to be a test animation. I had began a script which you can read HERE, however I never got past the first scene due to a creative block. As for Music I had even talked to a sound designer about creating a atmospheric track to represent the world, he said he could make me something similar to Concerning Hobbits by Howard Shore, something that would work very well:

The art style would be simple and effective, however the characters would be small and easy to work with:

This animation was going to go on alot of atmosphere, the backgrounds were the main aspect since it is something I want to get into in the future. Because of this I made the characters easy to animate (small with tiny limbs), this meant I could focus mainly on the background art rather than the character animation. This however, I feel would bring down my animation, having lovely backgrounds wouldn't make up for shitty animation. So because of this I decided I should reconsider my options for this animation, I had already started work on it so I wanted to create something in the same area. And so began my final animation idea number three: The Golem Animation

Final Animation Idea - Pango

The first of many ideas; Pango, is a story of a Panda in Western times hunting for his infamous twin brother, a crook wanted for numerous crimes. After being mistaken for his brother he is arrested and told if he didn't prove himself to be who he says he is he'd be hung; so Pango, the sheriff and a young girl venture out to find the wanted criminal. The story had many flaws, as it didn't have an ending, most character's were un-designed and the beginning was unfinished. However I did alot of concept art:

I was going for alot of atmosphere with this animation, I wanted it to be dark and gritty. I was incredibly inspired by the film 'Django' and 'Rango' (Hence the name). Both films show the western era to be a harsh place filled with crooks everywhere, and this is what I wanted to get across. Similar to Rango I wanted the entire cast to be cute animals, set in this rough tough world.
The music I had in mind was bluesy western, almost eerie. A good example of what I wanted it like is a song by The Heavy: Short Change Hero. It isn't western, but has that eerie tone. Another song would be Freedom by Anthony Hamilton and Elayna Boynton:

Ultimately, I scraped the idea as it was leaning towards it being a feature film and not something I feel I could achieve in a year (Or to the quality I want). If I shortened it the story would have suffered and it would more than likely lose all appeal, plus the animation would look horrible rushed. I may carry this on one day, however for now it remains as the first of many unused final year animation projects.