I showed it to Ged and he suggested that I should give the secondary character more screen time since he is a vital character (The man with the other briefcase). This was when I decided to have 2 parallel stories, one with the protagonist and another with the secondary character, this led me to write up the second draft to my script;
After much debating, we decided to scrap the 2 parallel storylines and stick to only one, however we'd change things up abit. Now instead of a secondary character like the protagonist, we'd have a secondary character like the antagonist, another villain. I then rewrote the script into what would be the final script;
Or so I thought, I was informed to keep working on the script until I had a set idea, so I decided to make some minor changes. This script kept almost all of the elements of the previous draft, however some locations and settings had been altered to give it a more real feel. And so I finished up the forth draft to my script;
After finally deciding on everything that would happen, I decided to do a final script, in which it is layed out perfectly for both me and my sound designer. There wasn't many changes to the script in this version, but I did lay it out much nicer. This resulted in my final script;
Now that I had a final script, I decided to work on the concept art and find a sound designer.