I will put Space Girl 3000 online on Vimeo, Vimeo does not receive as many views as video hosting sites such as Youtube but at least it'll be online for people to see. It is a big decider however if I want to put the video on Youtube or into festivals. Since you can't submit a film to a festivals if it is already on Youtube I'll have to choose between online publicity or publicity through festivals.
I feel that an internet presence is a big importance since people watch the video and send it to their friends. Because of this I think it'll be incredibly helpful to me by putting it online.
Like I stated in the Internet section, if I were to upload the video to Youtube I wouldn't be able to submit it to festivals. However submitting it to festivals would be really helpful in the fact that it'll be seen by many big names and companies, rather than teenagers on the internet. By being seen by companies it opens doors to many job opportunities that could give me full time jobs, rather than commissions online.

Though I feel an internet presence is important, I am hidden by aliases and am not really presenting myself. Whereas with submitting to animation festivals I am presenting it myself and showing the world what I am capable of.
Word of Mouth;
Though it is not distributing the animation, talking about it through online sources like Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook, and also through family and friends. I can show them via the main source on a USB or a private screening through Dropbox. Like I say, it isn't distributing but it lets people know about it. However the main ways of distribution would be through online distribution and through festival distribution.