Sunday 13 May 2012

[Animation] Watch Your Drink

After coming back to Uni from the holidays I started on a new project which was Flash based. We had to make an animation for the competition in Leeds called Knowledge Leeds in which we had to animate a small animation about being safer in Leeds. I chose to raise the subject of watching your drinks when you go out incase of being spiked.


Above is the animatic for the animation, and below i the actual animation.

I found this animation relativity easy to animate, it was fairly time consuming and reminded me very much of when I animated my first animation, A Day in the Life of Rudy Burton because the characters and the animation is very similar. However, because it reminds me of my first animation I am fairly disappointed with the outcome, its shows that I haven't improved flash wise. I am disappointed with the backgrounds due to them being exceptionally plain. However I am rather happy with the the lip syncing as I tried to put lipsync in while the characters where moving about, which is something I have tried to avoid in the past.

Though the animation was easy to animate as I didn't give myself enough time to fully animate it, some scenes where lost due to time difficulties such as the opening scene before the club and the end scene where he gets put in the ambulance. Also by the end of the deadline it ended up being rushed and I forgot alot of things to put in, this included lights in the background that should have been there to show that they are in a club, and alot more detail on the bathroom scene. This was because I was focusing too much on certain scenes instead of actually animating the full thing, this is something i have learnt to not do in future animations. There was no real problem animating the characters as I used a basic model for each character, however only recently I learnt of a much easier way of animating model characters which is to group the objects instead of putting each arm, leg, mouth, eye, etc on different layers on the timeline.

The focus of the animation is to be an informational animation, it is to inform you of what could happen if you don't watch your drink, even around friends. I think I get the point across nicely in the animation showing an example of what could happen and how easy it is to put someone in hospital or even worse. This animation was also intended for the competition in Leeds; Knowledge Leeds but however, my animation didn't make it into the winners group. I also intended this animation to help me learn further knowledge in Flash, however I didn't learn that much from this animation apart from lipsyncing slightly better.

The main characters are characters I designed myself, on being a character I have used in the past but younger, and then the other two where characters I made up. I have used this character previously and designed a few concepts for the character in the past, he was also the character I used for 
A Day in the Life of Rudy Burton but wearing a hat. The other two where completely made up, there is one with a bowlcut and another with shortish hair. However the one with shortish hair didn't originally have shortish hair, I couldn't decide what i wanted the character to have and was originally going to have an afro, but ended up coming to the conclusion of giving him his current hair. The character style of the animation is my own with a hint of a style from Bryan Lee O'Malley the creator of the Scott Pilgrim comics. He is my original influence for my own art style and can be seen in the eyes the head shape, it is more noticeable in my past work such as concept art for A Day in the Life of Rudy Burton.

If I had to re-due the animation I would fix the audio problem, it goes incredibly loud at times, also the music overlaps each other alot of the time which was a problem I only learnt after hearing the animation through speakers when presenting it to the class. I would create a better background than the one I have now as it is very flat, I would add more people the the club and also make flashing lights to show that they are in a club. I would also fix the continuity error when he pours the drug in his drink, he is holding it differently than what he is in the previous scene. I would also try to make sure I don't always use tweens, this animation was tweened so much even though I wanted to get in the habit of doing frame by frame animation instead of tweens.

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