Tuesday 8 November 2011

[Animation] Loops #1

This small loop took a total of between 5 and 6 hours to complete, I wanted to test my skills at key framing as I haven't used it at all, alot of my animations contain entirely motion tweens and because of this a walk cycle would be hard to accomplish unless I practiced. I usually animate walking by having the character bobbing up and down with his legs hidden off screen, an example of would be the animation I did for college; A Day in the Life of Rudy Burton. It is 8 frames long and the character is based on myself, I wear a checked shirt regularly along with checked vans shoes, I wear glasses and have a metallic bracelet I often wear on my left arm. My hair is curly and styled into a miniature afro, although is exaggerated in this cartoon version of myself.

I used a tutorial to help me with this walk cycle, having Flash open on the left hand of the screen and the web page open on the other side I easily did a basic outline of the character animated. After I added the checks to the clothing frame by frame, after adding colour to the image. I then shaded each key frame to add the effect, I usually use filters for this, but I decided to do proper shadows instead of artificial shadows created by effects on Flash. I think this worked well as it originally make the animation slower if I added effects due to it taking more memory up, so this not only looks better, it works better too because of it.

In the future I will try to key frame alot more, it looks alot better than motion tweening everything. I will also try to add shadows without using filters, I think by doing this it will improve the animation quality and also make it smoother and look alot better. I will practice doing key frames loops in the future with hope that it will improve my overall animation skills. Below is the animation with a background: 


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