Friday 12 April 2013

[Drawing Class] 04/04/13 - Return of Steve

Today we were preparing for the big mural of a war scene we are all going to do at the end of the year. This is something we have been working towards since before Christmas, we went to the armouries originally and drew armour, weapons and other battle objects, now we are going to use them in a few week. However first we had to practise drawing the characters in specific battle poses so they wouldn't just be stood there in the battle field.

We also had to focus on specific parts of the body, such as hands, head and feet. This is because there is alot of focus on the hands, the stance and the facial expression that will go into the mural, I did pretty well drawing the hands, better than what I thought, the main problem was the feet. as said in a few posts before, I have a hard time drawing feet, and this is no exception, even when they are right infront of me I struggle to accurately draw a foot. It took me a few attempts to draw one I was finally happy with, and then I left it for a bit. I will defiantly try and improve how I draw feet, because it is one very big flaw that I have when it comes to drawing.

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