Thursday 11 October 2012

[Drawing Lesson] - 11/10/92 In the Armories

During today's lesson we met up at the Royal Armories, a museum featuring arms and armor, swords and guns and other weaponry. We got there for 10am and once everyone arrived we were told to draw a few things in the armory, the purpose of this is to gather a range of armor and equipment to use during out life drawing lesson which will start in a few weeks. We'd draw the life model and then add helmets, gauntlets and swords to him/her.

To start of, typically me, Anthony and Will set off the find our favourite helmet, the mustached helmet. We drew it from a few angles and then after, I went my separate way. I found myself in the Japanese arms and armor section of the museum, and decided to draw a Ni Mai do Gusoku and a Zunari Kabuto. Later I was wandering around and drawing a few random objects, such as; a Nato Model Gas Mask, English Cavalry (1550 - 1600) Helmeta pair of Gauntlets (1480), a Boar Sword and a Cavalry Officers Armor. Below are the drawings:

I will be using these drawings to help me with the Life drawing next week or in the next few weeks, today was a fun day with everyone and it made a change from drawing cartoons every week, a good lesson indeed.


I should add, after the armories me and a few people from my course went to the Leeds Market, and I bought a crab as a pet instead of eating it, it died after owning it for 3 or 4 hours. I will most likely make a short animation or a drawing featuring him, so if you are wondering why I am suddenly drawing crabs, this is why. This was its life during that time:

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