Saturday 6 October 2012

[Inspiration] Paul Robertson

I have been inspired by many people, as you may have read in the previous post about my inspirations, however there are people who inspire me when they do not do the same type of animation as me; be that 3D, sprite, stop motion, pixel ect.

Paul Robertson is an example of this, he is a sprite animation who animates his own sprites that he has created. Sprite animation was the first form of internet animation that I watched and enjoyed, the first ever sprite animation I remember watching was called Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom, animated by the late Randy Solem. It was animated using sprites from Super Mario games, not his own sprites, however this is the case with alot of internet sprite animators. Thus far, Paul Robertson is the only sprite animator who creates his own sprites and backgrounds. An example of Paul's work:

Devil Eyes:

King's Power of 4 Billion%:


As you can see, the style of the sprites in the animation are very recognizable and rememberable. Different from older game sprites such as Mario and Sonic, these sprites fit in well with the 2D, side scroller, beat em up game genre, however have a Japanese anime look to them. I am familiar with Robert's work and anyone who is a fan of indie games will recognize that Robert is the sprite animator for the Scott Pilgrim vs the World: the Video Game, a personal favourite game of mine.

The thing about Robert's animating style that makes me be inspired by him is that the characters he create are full of energy and personality. They are all well drawn and animated, and are unique though they will have all originated from the same model. All the scenes are bursting with colour and imagination which makes a great short film.

I am not going to run off and create a sprite animation, though that doesn't mean I haven't attempted at making my own sprites in the past; during college I was asked to draw my tutors, so instead I took the sprites from Scott Pilgrim and using them as models I created my own sprites:

Apart from this, I haven't really been too interested in doing sprite animation as such. Though it does appeal to me entertainment wise, however I thought I would share my interest in this animator and what he does and creates.

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