Friday 11 April 2014

Space Girl 3000 - Concept Art - Part 3; Background Design

The Backgrounds for this animation were something I always had in mind from the beginning of the project. If I didn't make the backgrounds believable that it's in the future then the whole feel for the story would fail. To get an idea of what other people had done for a futuristic city I researched other shows set in future such as Jetsons and Futurama.

Including these shows, I also researched into Pulp comics for their backgrounds. Pulp comic backgrounds are always very abstract and helped me create the first concept background;

I had consulted a few of my course mates and they suggested that rather than focusing on the actually planet, I should focus on the city itself. Now with that in mind I started designing a futuristic city. I wanted to make it filled with buildings and full of life, here is how it turned out;

After drawing this I decided that the colours would take all of the attention, so I wanted to make the city's buildings a single colour. So here is what it turned out like when changing the colour;

I was more than happy with this background. However I felt that the future seemed very utopian and clean, which I didn't have a problem with it being like that however I didn't think it felt right for the city. I needed to decide on some form of key colour to stick with that wasn't too clean, so after watching a few films to get inspiration I had finally decided on something.

During talking to a course mate they recommended making the city seem rich with power, since the city is home of Mr Money. So I wanted to use alot of yellows and oranges to indicate a golden city. While watching a film known as Metropolis I got an idea for what I wanted the city to look like.

See 01:30 - 03:00

With this in mind I started drawing up the city in Flash, this is what it turned out like;

I was very happy with the city, however didn't know if the colours would get boring fast. Because of this I decided to play with the colouring a little, beside that I was happy with the look of the city. This resulted in a more neon kind of look to the city with much more vibrant colours, this is what it turned out like; 

Now with the colours decided I can happily work with the rest of the animation.

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