Friday 2 November 2012

[Drawing Lesson] 01/11/12 - The Head!

Today we were greeted by our old friend Steve, our life model in the first year. Though the room we were to do life drawing in was booked so we had to resort to using a much smaller room. Not leaving much room to draw we had to resort into focusing on one part of the body, namely the head.

To start the lesson off we were told to draw Steve's head for 20 minutes, we had to go into major detail on the face and after rate how we did for likeness to Steve, and then for the overall proportions. I honestly think I did pretty bad, I didn't give him enough of a chin and his eyes look incredibly dodgy, though I do like the shape of the scalp, I reckon I got that pretty well drawn. After that we were told to draw the outline of Steve's face, and redraw it until we had it recognized and perfected.

After drawing the outlines of the head, we divided our paper into 10 segments, as Steve sat down for 5 minutes we had to draw him getting as many key features as possible, after each 5 minutes he'd turn a little bit to change position. After 5 drawings, the time limit for drawing them decreased into 4 minutes, we then had to carry on with a shorter amount of time, though Because I finish quickly that wasn't much of a problem for me.

Soon we had to split the our paper into 30 segments (We worked on A2 so it's due-able) and we started off drawing Steve for 3 minutes, we was sat down and he spinning around in his chair a little after each time, so we'd get a different angle each time. The 3 minute drawings on the top row were fairly easy, the 2 minute drawings that followed were fairly easy too. It soon went down to 1 minute drawings and my mind started to wander so my drawings got less human like. The drawings below the 1 minute mark were also 1 minute too and I started to rush the drawings since I wasn't finishing them right. It was only until the 30 second, 20 second and 10 second drawings were I started to focus, however it then became really rushed drawings and more outlines without detail by the end, though the bottom 2 rows are still my favourite drawings of the entire lesson.

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