Monday 19 November 2012

[Project Related] Feedback and Rethink

Today we had to go in to show Sarah and Rossie where we are on the Royal Armouries Project, this was to be done infront of our peers and explain our current situation in the project and to receive feedback of our idea from Sarah and Rossie. This was similar to when we pitched, however there was no pressure of getting green lit or now hanging over our heads, luckily this time I didn't jumble up my words. Below is our presentation:

I spoke about my backgrounds, their purpose in the animation and also what else I have contributed to the project. The presentation was missing the current animatic with the new script so we had to explain to our tutors about it, however once everyone had finished saying their roles and explaining the project to our tutors we awaited feedback and answered questions from our peers.

We were informed that our idea lacked "oomf", by which I mean excitement and showing the helmet off to its full glory, Something we had been told to avoid during the script writing class. We wanted to avoid making anyone wearing the helmet as it would raise questions on who the person is and what is role was, making him the protagonist and not the helmet. We raised the point of we didn't know who wore the helmet, as nobody does, however with Will's research we gathered some information about where it was used. We came to the conclusion that we were going to add something else to the end of the story to show the helmet in use in parades, combat practice and battle, still keeping focus on the helmet. The old saying applies here; You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time.

Once we sat back down we discussed how we could do this, however this lead to a conversation about the camera shots in the opening scene in the mines. Anthony felt that we should change perspective instead of keeping it flat and 2D, so to not clash with the art style for the Blacksmith. Now Anthony is creating a new animatic so we can see all the accurate camera shots and scenes, all we can do now is wait and discuss things until we come to a final conclusion. 

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