Sunday 4 November 2012

[Inspiration] Guy Collins

Guy Collins is a Flash animator who creates outstanding animations, though a Flash animator he never conjured his fame on the Flash showcasing website Newgrounds, as most flash animators have usually done. his animation style is unique, usually animating in black and white and having a recognizable style of drawing humans. Here is an example of his work:


Raised by Zombies:

These two animatons are great examples of his work, Rage is witty with a good twist on the "Butterfly effect" theory, whereas Raised by Zombies is a fast pace survival animation with brilliant and smooth animation. His character designs are well thought out and his shorts are incredibly fun to watch, however something that caught my attention from him was the way he creates his backgrounds.

Normally, a person would just straight out draw a background, or use perspective lines to sort the background. However Guy uses 3D rendering software to create a model for the background, then draws over it in Flash. This is something I have done in the past but never done anything with it, I did it in Maya whereas he uses software known as Lightwave. He uses to create a model city or a model backdrop and then decides where he wants the camera to go, here is an example of him doing this:

Using 3D software to accurately show where the backdrop would go is a very clever idea, I really want to try it again in Lightwave software, however if I cannot gain that software I will atleast retry it in Maya or perhaps attempt it in 3DSMax. Again, Guy's animations are really fun to watch and I would encourage anyone to watch his videos, each one is unique and has brilliant animation.

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