Friday 16 November 2012

[Inspiration] Anime Influences #2

You may have noticed a certain character appear often in my blogs, that is a small panda. The small panda has a big head and a chubby body and is taken influence from 2 different anime; Hanamaru Youchien and Potemayo, both featuring small chibi characters. Below are trailers for both Hanamaru Youchien and Potemayo:

Though I am not a massive fan of the anime, the drawing styles are really refreshing and the characters wouldn't have nearly the same appeal if they looked any different. Both of these anime's are for kids, obviously, and I wanted my panda to appeal to children. The panda still lacks a name and a finalized look, however the style of drawing will still be the same. The panda is someone I want to work on a bit more, as I want him to be a trademark character for my work, similar to how my fellow class mates has their own characters for their work, eg; Anthony has Antique and Will has Blue.

However, one character I could say is a trademark for my own work is one that used to represent myself, which then transferred over to the short series I am planning to make The Uni-verse of Jack Miles. The drawing style of that character has changed over time until I finally decided on a style:

The final drawing, labelled present, isn't suppose to be the same as the other drawings. Though similar, this character doesn't wear glasses or have sideburns. One other thing that has changed is the hair, this was because I was influenced by a character in an anime called Panty and Stocking, which I have mentioned before in a previous post. The character's name is Brief, who shares similar hair to my character. As stated before, I love Panty and Stocking's drawing style, and is something I have grown fond of for a while, however instead of taking the style as my own, I want to take a few styles from the show and use them in my own, as you can see with my finalized character and the shows character.

Panty and Stocking's character designs intrigue me, the Nymphomaniac, the Sweet tooth, the geek, and everything else inbetween. I liked how each character has their own personality, which is why the character's I created in The Uni-verse of Jack Miles's character's each have their own personalities, likes and dislikes. The character styles in Panty and stocking are very western in comparison to various other Japanese anime, giving them a very crisp colour scheme. I liked this and wanted to bring that into my own style, you'll see influences from this show into my own drawings I am sure over time.

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