Thursday 7 March 2013

[Project: Cleaning] Ged and Feedback

Starting from last week we were introduced to our new tutor, Ged Haney, a character animator whose been animating for over 20 years. He has created recognisable animations and hit music videos such as Gigi D' Agostino's The Riddle:


Everyone in the class was to present their ideas to Ged for the Narrative project, I presented my idea to him to receive some critical feedback. I showed him what I had done so far which was around 10 seconds of animation and compared what comedy styles it would be like such as Hellbenders. Ged informed me that my idea my or may not work, depending if the audience get it or not, and then asked me to show me in my script the funniest joke I had, it was at that moment when I looked at my script and realised how badly written it was. I have all these ideas in my head but cannot explain them well, and with no animatic to back up my ideas it occurred to me that instead of racing ahead with the animation I should really sit down with the script and do some more research.

The script has now been updated from this to this, it is now much clearer and I can explain my jokes alot more clearer. I am going to start working on an animatic shortly, while working slowly on the actual animation once scenes are finished. Since jokes are a key element in the animation I will keep updating the script as jokes come to mind.

Ged's criticism on my script was helpful to me, it made me realise that a bunch of insane gags aren't going to make people like my animation, I should really sit down and think about it and research into things that people find funny or things people will get. However I think that people will like my animation, purely cause I am aiming it at the right target audience, people my age who find pop culture references, internet jokes and insane situations funny.

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